Saturday, January 31, 2009

Week 2: "Thing 4"

Well... I am official. I just registered my blogspot address ( with the powers the be!

I can't wait to explore flickr!

Week 2: "Thing 3" (After Thought)

After further reading of the directions on the Raven Web 2.0 blogspot, I guess I could have skipped the google search and found out how to export my Yahoo Avatar by simply continuing to read the directions written in fine print.

Isn't it ironic that the most important information in life is usually written in fine print, the print type that is most often and easily overlooked?

Week 2: "Thing 3"

I just created my 'Raven About Web 2.0' blog.

This isn't my first time creating a blog though. I maintain a blog about my 20 month old daughter in an attempt to keep in touch with my family who live in Canada and I also have a class blog to keep the parents of my first grade students informed throughout the school year.

I added a background to my blog from one of my favorite blogspots called and then I changed the fonts and colors of the minima template to fit my new background.

I already had a Yahoo Avatar created but I had never used it before. I had to google how to export my avatar to blogger but it turned out to be pretty painless.

I am excited to begin my 'Raven About Web 2.0' journey!

Week 1: "Thing 1 & Thing 2"

After reading the 'about' section on the Raven Web 2.0 blog and learning more about the philosophy driving this class, I am excited to be a part of the experience.

As a current professional in the education field I feel the frustration of an expanding gap between the Digital Immigrant teacher and the Digital Native student. I am hoping that by taking this class I can begin to close that gap and reconnect with my students.

I found the online tutorial '71/2 Habits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners' to be interesting and a bit of a refresher as to what I need to require of myself as an intellectual and of my students as they progress academically throughout the school year.

The easiest habit for me to adhere to is Habit 71/2 - Play! I have a 20 month old daughter and every spare moment I have is spent with her. We build block towers, cover the fridge with magnetic letters and numbers, and host make-believe tea parties for five to six very well-behaved dolls at least once an evening. I could not survive without my daily dose of playtime!

The hardest habit for me to adhere to is Habit 3 - View problems as challenges! I find it difficult to look on the sunny side of life sometimes or see the glass half full instead of half empty. I find myself looking for problems in order to avert them. This online tutorial reinforced this character flaw that I possess and has laid the foundation to reverse my thinking in this area.